Welcome to Random Videogame Reviews Online

This site started off as a fanzine (homemade magazine) called 'Videogame Analyser,' but the 2 issues which were 'published' didn't do too well, so i ceased production. What you see before you is the official site of the fanzine that tried hard but failed miserably. Hopefully this site will be more of a success.
This site will be updated frequently with reviews of games chosen at random, on any format, of any quality. What game will be next? Who knows...

Thanks for visiting the site!

PS-If you're even vaguely interested in the fanzine (£1 for both copies delivered) then please e-mail me at VAontheweb@hotmail.co.uk!

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Rhythm action done the Warioware way

Rhythm Tengoku (GBA)

After all the fuss made over this japan only game in magazine Ngamer i thought i'd check itout and judge it for myself. This is a rhythm action game, but an incredibly simplified one, only using the A button most of the time,and although this could be seen as imaginative i found most of the games were pretty much the same idea, just with different graphics (The geisha and Bear levels come to mind).
It is by the warioware people though, so the sheer sense of charater and weird humour manages to drag you through the games low points, of which there are a few. It isnt too difficult on your first playthrough,but there are some great moments which make up for the short length.This game is pretty simplistic, so no japanese is required to understand the basic game mechanics, although some of the jokes and references probably make more sense back in its native country.
So, worth an import? Just about. I must be one of the only people to find this game underwhelming, and i prefer Ouendan much more...

3 out of 5

What price? Roughly £20 delivered on www.yesasia.com

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