Welcome to Random Videogame Reviews Online

This site started off as a fanzine (homemade magazine) called 'Videogame Analyser,' but the 2 issues which were 'published' didn't do too well, so i ceased production. What you see before you is the official site of the fanzine that tried hard but failed miserably. Hopefully this site will be more of a success.
This site will be updated frequently with reviews of games chosen at random, on any format, of any quality. What game will be next? Who knows...

Thanks for visiting the site!

PS-If you're even vaguely interested in the fanzine (£1 for both copies delivered) then please e-mail me at VAontheweb@hotmail.co.uk!

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Obscure Amiga title makes good on GBA

Qwak (GBA)

An incedibly obscure homemade game of which there are only 300 copies, this fast paced arcade platformerhands your ass to you on a plate the first few times you play it. Despite this you will get better at it,and eventually learn to love it for what it is- A lovingly put together high score challenge.
There is nothing beyond the main game (available in treacle 'slow' mode, not so 'easy' mode, and the test of wills 'normal' mode), so you must love this game at face value. And many people will not. It can be too frantic, and just too hard. I find it a little unforgiving too, especially the way the game doesnt show the enemies before a few seconds at the start, which resulted in undeserved deaths a plenty.
But any game that asks you to make your own game box and comes with its only inkjet printed instruction manual you simply have to love. Buy this game (www.qwak.co.uk) and you'll receive a game made with more love than a million film licenses.

3 out of 5

What price? Only £15 on the site above

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